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Every dump you take, lyric by Jonny Dawson

from the songs album You've gotto love those spandex

Every dump you take
And every shite you make
Every time you quake
Every face you make
It?s just a poo

Every single day
And every curse you say
Every strain you make
Every shit you take
It?s just a poo

You need a wee?
Please go take a pee
How your ass cheeks ache
With every push you make

Every dump you make
Every bog you break
Every groan you make
Every wind you break
It?s just a poo

Since you shat, I?ve been lost without a trace
Dreaming only that I could find my face
The toilet needs to be replaced
I?ve gone bald and there?s shit all on my face
I keep screaming no more, no more please?.

You need a wee?
Please go take a pee
How your ass cheeks ache
With every squeeze you make

Every shite you take
And every time you quake
Every time you moan
Every time you groan
It?s just a poo

Every fart you make
Every dump you take
It?s just a poo

It?s just a poo

It?s just a poo

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